Kyoto Animation Fire: 10 Victims Name Released By Kyoto Police Department

The Kyoto Shimbun paper revealed on Friday that Kyoto Prefectural Police released the names on Friday of 10 of the 35 people who passed on in the flame at Kyoto Animation’s first studio building on July 18. The police expressed that they have released these names since proper burial service for the ten victims are finished, and families have given assent for the police to release the names.

Police additionally included that they are not yet releasing the names of the other 25 people who died in the worst incident of anime history because of DNA testing and other special conditions, or at the request of the unfortunate casualties’ families.

Kyoto Animation Fire

Police are considering the sentiments of the deprived families when thinking about how and when to report more names. Police are working with relatives to request their comprehension in discharging the names later on.

The ten names include

Jun’ichi Uda
YÅ«ki ÅŒmura
Yuka Kasama
Yoshiji Kigami
Ami Kuriki
Yasuhiro Takemoto
Sachie Tsuda
Futoshi Nishiya
Keisuke Yokota
Mikiko Watanabe

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Kyoto Animation Fire: 10 Victims Name Released By Kyoto Police Department Kyoto Animation Fire: 10 Victims Name Released By Kyoto Police Department Reviewed by Unknown on 14:11 Rating: 5

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