List of Anime Netflix Will Add in June Confirmed

The month of June is already upon us and Netflix has surprised the anime lovers with the new additions it has been making on the anime front. As the list of the movies, shows and anime were out, obviously, the anime lovers started to pick out the anime from the rest of the list.

The list’s biggest highlight was Christian Bale as his Batman series is making its way to Netflix next month. Netflix will be aiming to earn high with the help of Batman movies as they are a big hit and almost everyone loves to see Christian Bale as Batman aka Bruce Wayne. The list also had another surprise addition which was Jessica Jones season 3.

It comes as a surprise because no one was expecting the season 3 which will be the final season of the show to release in June. Even though there has been no official confirmation that Jessica Jones season 3 will be released in June but it just being in June’s schedule of Netflix means it might just come out in June. In the list, there was no date of Jessica Jones season 3 revealed but just a coming soon written against it.

Now, coming back to the anime that will be added to the Netflix roaster next month, here is a list of them in order of the dates they will be released on:
March Comes in like a Lion – June 1
Angel Beats! – June 1
Anohana – June 1
A Silent Voice – June 5
Kakegurui Season 2 – June 13
Neon Genesis Evangelion – June 21
Forest of Piano Season 2 – June 24

Most of the fans might have already watched all of these anime but now they can watch it on Netflix as well which has a different aura to it.

Kakegurui season 2 was completed some months ago and as expected it was another season of unexpected twists and turns and all of the students were gambling to be the head of students council.

Fans will also be eager to watch another series known as Angel Beasts! which is known for its laughter and comedy and will energize whoever watches the show. Also, Kyoto Animation provided art for a movie known as A Silent Voice which will also be added to Netflix. I am looking forward to what the movie is all about and this movie was nominated for well-known awards last year.

The critics say that the movie is a stunning one so one should watch it as soon as possible. Do mention in the comments section down below what are your thoughts regarding the anime that will be added to Netflix next month and which of these anime you want to watch.

from Otakukart
List of Anime Netflix Will Add in June Confirmed List of Anime Netflix Will Add in June Confirmed Reviewed by Unknown on 11:46 Rating: 5

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